
Nowruz 2021 – Call for Artists (Tirgan Media)

Monday, January 4, 2021

Deadline Extended

Deadline: January 17, 2021

The global pandemic in 2020 has brought forth a revolutionary paradigm shift in the arts and culture community, most particularly the performing arts. With the inevitability of a shift towards virtual presentations, Tirgan accelerated plans that have been under development for years. We officially launched Tirgan Media and initiated building the technical and talent resources for producing multimedia productions.  Tirgan Kids Time was the first in a series of pilot projects that are devised to workshop projects with a view to capacity building both within the Tirgan family and broader Iranian Canadian community.  Over the course of the next several months, Tirgan Media will unveil many new projects alongside packaging and presenting our Nowruz programs virtually and online.

For the upcoming Nowruz, Tirgan Media is offering an opportunity to performing artists, local or nonlocal, who will be physically present in Toronto during February 2021 to participate in our Nowruz program presentations.  These can be in the form of artists providing their time and talent to produce 5 to 15-minute performances to incorporate as segments in our Nowruz program.

With this limited call for artists, Tirgan Media asks that those who are interested and available in Toronto during February/March 2021, to submit a proposal no later than January 17th, 2021 using the webform on the Tirgan website if you are a performing artist and will be physically present and available in Toronto during the month of February.

Please be sure that in all steps of the production and in every production site, we will be strictly adhering to current Ontario and Canada COVID-19 regulations and safety protocols.

Should you require any additional information please contact us at [email protected]

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